About our Journey

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Lee and Tami have been married for 22 years. We have two daughters the old fashion way, Savannah is our oldest daughter, she is 23. Alyx, our second daughter is 17. And we have five children via God's gift of adoption, Graci, who came home from China to join our family in 2007, is 7, and Dax, who came home from Guatemala in 2007 to join our family, is 6. Thad and Kamby joined our family in Dec. 2009 from Ethiopia. They are both 4 years old. Susi, our latest addition, came home from China(Aug. 2011) is 6 years old.Now we are on our way back to China to bring home our precious 3 year old son, JJ.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Our March Madness

Madness is right. March is not over yet but boy has it been full. With Savannah moving back home and in the hospital(read below),our dossier going to China, Alyx turning 15, Graci finishing preschool, spring break, Thad turning 2, Graci turning 5, Graci's ear's pierced, family birthday party, trip to the zoo for Thad's birthday, and adoption yard sale fundraiser...whew!
Alyx is 15, the countdown to driving is on! She pretty much celebrated all month but it started with a small party with her friends and a big blue cupcake!

Alyx with her peeps at her birthday party.

Alyx with her friends, having fun for her birthday.

Dax tried really hard to get a bird to land on him but it never did. He fed them in other people's hand though.

Graci, very proud of herself because she let the bird land on her and wasn't scared.

Alyx feeding the birds.

Daddy and Kamby.

Our family minus two at the zoo.

Graci (5), Kamby (21m),Serenity (10), Thad (2), Dax (4.5), Alyx (15).

March birthday kids - Graci, Alyx, and Thad.

Dax and cousin Serenity on the merry go round at the zoo.

Graci has been talking about getting her ears pierced for almost two years. We originally told her she would have to wait until she was six. But after hearing about it and discussing it everyday for the past two years we decided 5 is a good age. All she wanted for her birthday was earrings. She decided not to have a friend party and she didn't want any other gifts just her ears pierced.

Waiting patiently with great anticipation!

Graci being very excited to get her ears pierced.

Going with it as the girl marks her first ear.

Starting to get a little scared but still being brave.

As soon as it came down to nothing left but piercing, she lost it. This is just one picture because the video is too disturbing. She was hysterical after the first ear and I had to hold her down while she screamed to do the second ear.

The right ear.

This is Graci's attempt at a smile after being traumatized by her ear piercing.

Ariel and Elmo cakes by Alyx.

Elmo cake made by Alyx for Thad's 2nd birthday.

Ariel cake made by Alyx for Graci's 5th birthday.

Dax, always happy but especially when there is a party.

Mommy with my big 2 year old boy and his Elmo.Graci, Alyx, and Thad with their birthday cakes. Alyx actually did not make herself another cake for the family party since she already had cake 3 times earlier this month.

Graci loves her Grandma!

and her Aunt Rinne!

Graci with Alyx's new bunny, Kiwi. You might notice that Graci is chewing gum, this is another big deal about turning 5. Graci says, "I am more repompable than Dax, so I get to chew gum."

Even though Kamby is younger, she is very much a little mother to Thad and all the kids. Here she is pushing Thad on the swing. No one told her to, she just sees what her siblings need and she helps.

Dax posing with Kiwi.

Kamby and Kiwi.

Loving the spring weather and playing outside.

Savannah update: It has been a hard month for Savannah, well all of us for that matter. She was asked to leave school at the end of February as it was just too much for her to cope with. With suffering from post traumatic stress disorder and some other issues, the stress of school was too much right now. Savannah has some things going on that are being exacerbated by her brain injury and some things that are a result of her brain injury. Everyone has been so thrilled with her progress since her accident two years ago, that sometimes we forget how long it actually takes to recover from a brain injury. She is experiencing things that are very common among tbi patients. Although, Savannah left school now she is hoping to get back in the fall or next spring. She is currently applying to a residential treatment center that does great work in dealing with young woman with depression and other emotional issues. We are confident that the God that started a good work in Savannah is faithful to complete it (Phil. 1:6). Prayers for Savannah's healing and for wisdom for us as her parents is greatly appreciated!