About our Journey

My photo
Lee and Tami have been married for 22 years. We have two daughters the old fashion way, Savannah is our oldest daughter, she is 23. Alyx, our second daughter is 17. And we have five children via God's gift of adoption, Graci, who came home from China to join our family in 2007, is 7, and Dax, who came home from Guatemala in 2007 to join our family, is 6. Thad and Kamby joined our family in Dec. 2009 from Ethiopia. They are both 4 years old. Susi, our latest addition, came home from China(Aug. 2011) is 6 years old.Now we are on our way back to China to bring home our precious 3 year old son, JJ.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Cookie Time

Susi chose a star for her first cookie.

Thad chose a donkey and Graci is still deciding.

Dax and Graci ready. for cookie cutting.

It didn't take long for Thad to get all the way into the cookie mess.

Dax made some great cookies and ran a close second to Thad in the messy dept.

Susi loved cutting cookies, she made lots.

Graci making her bell cookies.

My angel Kamby making an angel cookie.

Thad showing off his flour face.

Look mom, I got the most dirty!

Kisses and hugs for mommy, partly because they were happy about making cookies and partly because they thought is was funny to get me dirty. Love my boys!!!!!

Today was baking, that was enough. We will decorate tomorrow!
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Sunday, December 11, 2011

2 years ago today...........

Mommy and babies at one of our last visits at the orphanage.

Daddy and Thad bonding.

My sweet Kamby girl!

At Le Toukul in Ethiopia.

Thad and Kamby with Mommy and Daddy just a few days before leaving the orphanage for good.

Kamby and Thad with friends Amara and Addie.

Thad and Kamby today, wearing their Ethiopian clothes, and celebrating their 2nd Gotcha day!

All the littles in Ethiopian clothes to honor Thad and Kamby's Gotcha Day!

Mommy with my sweet babies!

So precious are my virtual twins!

Our 7!

Brady 9!

Celebrating Gotcha Day with Ethiopian food (homemade by the way) -injeera and sauteed beef. Yum-Yum! Everyone loved it!!!

Eating Ethiopian style!

Yep, two years ago today, our precious Thad and Kamby said goodbye to their orphanage. It was such a special day! They have brought so much joy and laughter to our family, it is incomprehensible to think of them ever not being with us. Kamby was absolutely thrilled to celebrate Gotcha day and all day she went around telling everyone, "Happy My Gothca Day!" Thad on the other hand got something confused about today and he was very concerned that we were going to Ethiopia. LOL! So he enjoyed the day but did not want anyone wish him Happy Gotcha day. He just said, "No Gotcha day, go to play." The children's Christmas musical was performed at church this morning and he was so looking forward to it. So I think he got confused that somehow Gotcha day would interfere with him going to the musical.
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Friday, November 11, 2011

Who knew 50 would look like this?

Every year we go to the state fair on or around Lee's birthday. Not on purpose, it just always worked out that way. We go on a home school fieldtrip and the dates land on his birthday. So, this has been the tradition since Savannah was a preschooler. Now, here we were heading to the fair on Lee's 50th birthday with Savannah, her house mate and caregiver - Brittany and Valerie, Alyx, and all our littles. Well, Daddy does not like all the high fast rides like he used to but he always has fun having fun with the kids.
Alyx under the chocolate covered bacon sign, her two favorite things! Praise God, she did not eat any!

Savannah and Brittany

Thad loved the animals at the fair

Savannah and Susi, Brittany, Graci, Thad,Serenity,Kamby,Dax, and Alyx. It is always tought to get a group pic but at lease most everyone is looking forward.

Graci opted to ride on the bench with Susi instead of a horse on the merry go round. Susi is a little scared of high things and it is hard for her to hold on with her legs. She was totally happy to ride on the bench and her sister always chooses to be with her over anything else. It is so endearing! Graci loves Susi so much! And when you ask Susi what makes her happy, she say "Graci". Isn't that so precious!

My boys on the airplanes.

A favorite at the fair was the butterfly pavillion. Some were actually terrified of the butterflies but most of them loved it!

Susi spent an hour or more on the wiggle riders. This is the first thing she has been able to ride by herself and boy was she happy. Guess what she is getting for Christmas!

Kamby dug the wiggle riders too!

Alyx made a cheesecake for Daddy's 50th and insisted on 50 candles, even though she had to borrow some from the neighbors.

Daddy loving 50!
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Fabuous Fall Part 2 1/2

Graci after a night in curlers

Graci getting ready for Aunt R's wedding

She loves her curly hair

Susi wants curly hair

My sweet girls!

Princess Graci Jia, I heart my princess!

I heart my handsome boy!

Love these guys!

This is the beautiful place that my sis got married.

Love these guys too. My love and my sweet nephew Peyton.

Happy Kamby!

Susi wants to wear flip flops like the other kids so she just wears them on her hands, ha-ha!
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