Susannah Yue enjoying cake for her friend's birthday. Susi will turn four the day after Christmas.
Oh yeah, because I have. It was Christmas 2006 when we decorated the tree, preparing our hearts for Christmas, very excited but very sad at the same time. We held pictures of our babies that would not be home for Christmas. One, still in an orphanage in China and the other with his foster family in Guatemala. It was so hard to focus on the festivities and fun of the holidays because I just wanted to be in China. Well here we are again. It is Christmas time 4 years later and we are incomplete. Our Susi will not be with us for Christmas or her fourth birthday. There is such comfort in knowing that she is in a lovely place with caring people that serve Jesus by serving the orphans in China. Everyday is the same, I hop on the computer with a beating heart hoping to see new pictures of Susi or an update. I am so happy when they appear and I pray for her and I long for her to be with me. And although I am full of joy to gaze upon her beautiful face, my heart aches like nothing I can compare to, because I miss her!
I am so grateful to have pictures to share and to feel a little bit closer to my girl!
I am so grateful to have pictures to share and to feel a little bit closer to my girl!
Bless you all. I remember that feeling. I can't wait to see her beautiful face with here family! Hope you all have a Merry Christmas.