About our Journey

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Lee and Tami have been married for 22 years. We have two daughters the old fashion way, Savannah is our oldest daughter, she is 23. Alyx, our second daughter is 17. And we have five children via God's gift of adoption, Graci, who came home from China to join our family in 2007, is 7, and Dax, who came home from Guatemala in 2007 to join our family, is 6. Thad and Kamby joined our family in Dec. 2009 from Ethiopia. They are both 4 years old. Susi, our latest addition, came home from China(Aug. 2011) is 6 years old.Now we are on our way back to China to bring home our precious 3 year old son, JJ.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Kingdom of Heaven is Like an IR3 Visa

Daddy and babies waiting to go into court for the readoption hearing.
I love this boy!
I love this girl!
It's official: We are now the parents of Thaddeus Joel and Kambyri Senait Brady. Oh yeah, we already were but now the state of Arizona recognizes it!

Let me explain. When an adoptive parent travels to their child's birth country and physically sees the child prior to the adoption being finalized in court, the child will be issued an IR3 visa to come to America. That means when court is over, when the child is officially adopted, he or she will become an American citizen as soon as they step foot in America. Nothing else is necessary. The child will get a certificate of citizenship, they will get a birth certificate with their parents listed as their parents, they have full citizenship rights.
On the other hand, if the adoptive parents do not see a child before court in their birth country then they will come home on a IR4 visa. This means that it is necessary to readopt them in America. This is funny to me. Because I feel it is saying that since you did not see your child before they were legally yours that maybe you want to change your mind. How absurd!

God saw us before he adopted us and he adopted us anyway! We are forever sons and daughters of the God most high. We are already citizens in heaven. I praise God that He is not going to wait until we get there and then decide whether he wants to readopt us into His family and into His kingdom. Our eternity is sealed and our home is heaven! Thank you God for our IR3 Visa into your kingdom!

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